We run all our surgeries by using an appointment only system. Appointments can be booked by telephoning or visiting either of our surgeries in Ponteland or Wylam.
In addition we also operate an internet booking service for routine GP and Blood Test appointments. Patients need to be registered to use this service so please speak to a receptionist to request a PIN number for access.
We try to make sure you see the doctor of your choice but if they are not available we may ask you to see another doctor.
We provide a limited number of same day appointments for patients with urgent medical problems. We do not provide a walk in service for patients but will try to see all those patients who cannot wait, for medical reasons, for the next routine appointment.
If you decide that your appointment is no longer needed, please ring up and cancel so that someone else can have the appointment instead.
If more than one family member needs to see the doctor, please make a separate appointment for each person.
If you are too ill to come to the surgery and you require a visit at home, please call the surgery before 10am. Home visits take up much more of a doctor’s time than a consultation in the surgery, so if you are mobile please come into the surgery to be seen.